Friday, May 13, 2011

Party of Five

Well, it has been a while... or almost a month now since I've blogged. Time has gotten away from me. From the end of my pregnancy {being preggo w/ one and chasing two is much harder than just having three}, till adding our newest, just two weeks ago, its about time for the Heimer- Party of Five- to show off some pics of our little Tenley Ranae!

So loved by her big sister {3 1/2 yrs old} and big brother {23 months}

And then there is mommy, very happy that you're here!
April 27, 2011 at 12:27pm, 8lbs 19inches 

Nana Dee came to help with the big kids and it was so fun to have her here!

Granddad came to visit while Nana was staying with us! 

And now you get to be poked in person!

Here is a comparison of all the kids all about three days old!