Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween....

This year we actually went trick-or-treating, the kids loved it. The law school hosted an event for families {of students or Profs} and we walked the building there in the afternoon. Then we went to some friends house, and all the kids joined in on the mass chaos of the neighborhood {nine kids, 6 and under}. It was actually the most "at home" we've felt since moving. I think it reminded us of the Ranch or time with our community group..... which is funny, I guess we like a little craziness... or it may have been our kids just running around with other kids... in a fairly laid back setting.

Buzz Lightyear and Ballerina Blythe 

attempting to get everyone together

running from house to house

"guys, wait for me" was his quote of the evening.

Alaina {the kangaroo} was Buzz's buddy

our kids quit half-way and wanted to eat instead of collect.

and then we handed out candy to end the night!

Oh and sweet Baby T was a bumble bee.... Pics to come!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

this guy loved the pumpkin patch

he tried to roll them around

and then gave up and sat on them
they loved the farm animals
we fed the goats
he looks like a natural
old fashioned horses were lots of fun
the wining pumpkin 
our buddy Elise
going on a hayride!