Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween....

This year we actually went trick-or-treating, the kids loved it. The law school hosted an event for families {of students or Profs} and we walked the building there in the afternoon. Then we went to some friends house, and all the kids joined in on the mass chaos of the neighborhood {nine kids, 6 and under}. It was actually the most "at home" we've felt since moving. I think it reminded us of the Ranch or time with our community group..... which is funny, I guess we like a little craziness... or it may have been our kids just running around with other kids... in a fairly laid back setting.

Buzz Lightyear and Ballerina Blythe 

attempting to get everyone together

running from house to house

"guys, wait for me" was his quote of the evening.

Alaina {the kangaroo} was Buzz's buddy

our kids quit half-way and wanted to eat instead of collect.

and then we handed out candy to end the night!

Oh and sweet Baby T was a bumble bee.... Pics to come!

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