Sunday, October 23, 2011


Well, it seems as though time has flown by! Leaves have fallen here, and we are gearing up for a cold winter {since moving north}. There are so many things to share, but first I will reflect on our move! It is amazing how the Lord brings us from one place to another. This is not where I thought we would be last time this year, so every once in a while, I still have to pinch myself. This is not a dream. This is reality.

The kids have finally adjusted.

Blythe is in preschool and I imagine she is the ideal student {crossing my fingers}. Pierce spends every day loving his sisters, playing with dinosaurs and pretending he is Buzz Lightyear. Tenley is six months, and I don't know where the time has gone, but she is more and more fun every day.

This time last year we were enjoying trick-or-treating in the quaint town of Siloam. This year, we'll go through our neighborhood, and a Ballerina, Buzz Lightyear and a Bumblebee will accompany us.

We miss our community group.

We are thrilled that several new kiddos will be added to the group through adoption {and we're sad we won't be there to welcome them home off the airplane}. But we pray for each of them, read their blogs and are spurred on towards Christ as a result.

We miss our Ranch.

We miss our sweet neighbors. Not that we have bad neighbors here, but its just not the same {we don't go over to their house and open their fridge... enough said}.

We miss our Rachel.

We are so excited to hear about the new adventures she is on; but, we miss her!

God is so faithful. We have developed community here quickly. We enjoy being in close proximity to things. Church is less than a 5 minute drive, along with the gym, preschool, Law school, and the list goes on! The deep loneliness that we've felt comes less often. I told Justin the other day, "if we ever go overseas on the mission field, we're going with a group of community {we haven't forgotten you Brill's}, because then we wouldn't be alone"... not that it is that simple. But we are so grateful for where the Lord has brought us, we are so thankful for where we've come from. We've learned much the past three years, and we're hoping to continue and put in to practice many of those things. Happy Fall!

*all these pics are from last year fall!