Friday, May 20, 2011

And success is...

For a mother of three, success: when they're all sleeping at the same time.

We've transitioned Big Guy into Peanuts room, as a preparation for our big move {they will share a room}, so during nap time {which for Peanut is rare}, she sleeps on her napmat {used for school}. For Big Guy, he's on a mattress in her room, and loves his new found freedom. He is our obedient, tender-hearted child {not that our other two are not}, but if you look at him and frown, after he's gotten out of bed, he'll cry and get back in bed saying, "sorry, mommy." Funny kid.

And the youngest of the trio seems to nap all the time. She is currently running a eat-wake-sleep routine every 2.5 hours, so I won't complain! Good little baby girl! A sweet addition to our household!

And you might ask... what does mom do when they nap.... absolutely NOTHING;-)

1 comment:

  1. Love the nap pics! What a good mama you are- all three napping in one day! That's one fab day.
