Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A tour of Kansas!

It's been a while, and you may be wondering why I haven't blogged... well, because life has been in transition, and it has mostly been sad!... yes, depressing to say, but when you blog about everyday life, and you are getting ready to leave a sweet place, its hard to share what is going on, so here is what HAS gone on! Since adding kiddo #3 we have traveled to Mexico, Manhattan, Kansas City, and moved to Indiana...

We went to Kansas City to celebrate Cousin Grace's birthday, and while there got to see longtime friends at a BBQ and connect with family. This was a great time, before moving father away {where a weekend trip is not possible;-(}.

Aunt Hannah did a great job putting together a Snow White themed party, with "Apple" cake pops! It was adorable! Happy 3rd Birthday Grace

It was also "wear your favorite princess dress party" so Peanut dressed up like her favorite {and who she looks most like} Cinderella!

Big Guy enjoyed cake, playing with cousin Noah and Aunt Rara held Sweet Baby T!


Justin and I traveled the following week to Manhattan to attend a wedding of a longtime friend. While there we stopped by my childhood home {lived there for a a decade... almost 20 years ago}, and also visited the house of Pi Beta Phi, just so Sweet Baby T and myself could get a picture together {of her future sisterhood}.

So the fireplace mantle {far right} was always taller than me... funny, I have grown... it hasn't.

My room {it was previously purple, now its pink}, the park across the street {newer playground equipment}, the neighbors yard {they didn't like people stepping in their grass... to bad for them a family of five kids lived next door... and when we moved, a family with 11 moved in...}, and the tree!

AggieVille looks the same... and the House of Pi... pretty as ever!

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