Saturday, July 23, 2011

Happy 3 Months Sweet Girl

Today marks the 3 months for our sweet girl. Each of our kids has a nickname that was given to them very randomly; so far we have Peanut, Big Guy and Sweet Girl {I think she got the best one}. Given to her by her big brother, and its the cutest coming from him, pronounced: s-eeet g-rrLL.

You weight 14.5 lbs, much more petite that your siblings were at this point. You sleep 7 hours a night, four naps during the day {five on the busy days}, and you are the perfect #3 child our family needs!

You smile at almost anyone!

And you seem to be the most opinionated of all our babies thus far. For example, you like to have down time; 7:30 on the dot each night you like to go to bed, cry a little, or coo quietly; either way, if we try to hold you or interact, you show us this lovely face, so instead we give you time alone.

We love your ginger colored hair!
 Happy 3 months Sweet Girl!

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