Thursday, June 14, 2012

There are a lot of random things to this post. Mostly because I find myself reflecting on things I would have not thought would be the current place i find myself and also getting laundry done and of course, life in the city. So I digress.

Almost one year ago today we moved to B-Town for Justin to begin Law School.

In some ways it has been a lot of what I expected and then in others not.

I think I have more questions than answers, but isin't that just life?

I find myself lonely here. much like last summer. both experiences by choice. so, is that what makes it sting more? Places that the Lord has taken our family, you know, those places you would not have chosen for yourself, have always been the most rich. places we've chosen for ourselves {even when the Lord has made it clear, it is where we are to go} always leave me wrestling, wondering, asking. am i abiding?

and then in the midst of all this, there are children. husband. laundry. life.

so i will continue to ask, question, and ponder.
but now for the laundry.

this is the laundry. that must be carried down two flights of stairs. to the car. with 3 little people in tow.
then there is the actual laundromat i might have left my children in the car and its a whole system, with protocol and such. laundromat etiquette.

this kid was super helpful, pushing around the rolling carts, i was just thankful no one put him in a dryer {if you followed the news, some random stranger did this to some kid at the laundromat}.
and then this cute girl, who tried to hold the little kids hands to make sure no one ran away, and of course, posed for the picture.
and then it began to rain. so we went to the car to watch a movie. Untitled
I am so THANKFUL for our laundry in our house. I recognize that most people in the world {lets say the 99%} have to do their laundry in a laundromat, or along a river. so be mindful, if you aren't carting your laundry around. you are the 1%. and I am abundantly blessed. its.the.little.things.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean. Am I living in the right place? Was this the right choice? If so, then why isn't easier to make friends? Ugh. So many questions, so few answers :)

    Your kids are the cutest. And it kind of looks like they like going to the laundry mat so that is a good thing!
