Friday, January 21, 2011

Little House in the Big Woods

   NO, this is not actually our house, for those of you wondering; however, during the winter months, I refer to myself as Laura Ingalls Wilder. Why? Because we live in the country and use a wood burning stove as our source of heat. We have a wood pile out back, its filled each year and we haul wood during the winter months to heat the house. So my job most days, is to keep the fire burning. Now, as a city girl born and raised in a home where you flipped the switch and your gas log fireplace comes on, this was a change. I always thought that fireplaces were more for ambiance and not actual function, so I digress.

The most important things we have learned about wood burning stoves are:  having your house at a certain humidity level keeps the heat in (thus meaning we boil a pot of water on the stove 24/7, and there are humidifiers in every bedroom), flipping a switch on your ceiling fan to make the blades rotate the opposite way sends warm air DOWN, and having a skill to build a fire that lasts for 9 hours is priceless (or very valuable, if I was a contestant on SURVIVOR).

This is Pole #15, the view from our front window; seasons come and go by pole 15, but this is one of my favorite!

After getting about 6+ inches of snow (which is a LOT here in the south), we spent most of the day cooped up inside due to the cold temps (15-20degrees), but did try to venture out... or should I say, Peanut made it out for about 10 minutes.
We made Chocolate Chip Pancakes, a must on a snow day!

Big Guy enjoyed his favorite DVD
Puzzles, puzzles, and more puzzles
Peanut outside!
And then last but not least, it is important at the end of a snow day to make some sort of snow concoction. Snow candy, snow food, snow slushes, so since we couldn't go to SONIC, we made slushies! Apple juice to be exact.
COLD and yummy!

This is what a non-napping 3-year-old looks
like at the end of a long cold day!
And if you've made it this far, and really want a good picture that captures the vast wide open space where we live, enjoy the pics below!

1 comment:

  1. I better not let Ryan read your post. This is his dream... in the middle of no where with a wood burning stove:) Cute pics!
