Monday, January 24, 2011

Winters Favorite Things

Here are some of our favorite things right now:

For Christmas Big Guy received a motorized Thomas the Train set, and they have occupied a lot of his time (and his sisters) since setting up the track. He has mastered the skill of putting them on, and then letting them go. Round and round, until he sits or steps on part of the track and becomes desperate for it to go back together so the cars can continue the merry-go-round of fun. Most of the time he will come and find me, saying, "elp, elp, choo-choo, choo-choo".... meaning, help me mom, my train is stuck.
Drool and all, Percy is the train of choice around our house!
And performing is another favorite of our Big Guy's. Yes, he crawls onto our bean table, its a daily thing, and performs "the wheels on the bus", and you can see below, he is very dramatic when in motion of making the wheels-go-round!

Peanut "I love to be a princess and dance, dance, dance, thats my favorite thing." Besides being dressed up everyday (wearing a crown and carrying a scepter), she tots around her Rosie Gina train(named affectionately after her sweet cousin Rosie Jean... whom she insists will go by Gina), and her Princess Blythe Bear (we're not very original at naming things) who is always dressed like a princess too. And then each day, during lunch, while daddy is home she performs at least one song and dance a day.

1 comment:

  1. Bahaha, love it! I'm sure the performances are awesome!

    I showed Eric some of the pictures of the kids and he started freaking out saying "no way. no way." He is in awe of how big they are!
