Monday, February 14, 2011


Let me say first off that Valentines Day is one of the less exciting holidays around our house {contrary to my husband, I really don't care for it}, but when you have kids, that changes. For some reason I'd prefer to celebrate Flag Day, Columbus Day, or something less commercialized than Valentines. Yes, it is a great day to show someone how much we love them, but for the most part, Valentines Day can be more self-serving, so I digress. What I want our kids to know is the reason why we are able to love, and Who demonstrated the greatest love for us so I am remind myself on one of the most Hallmark-ed days of the year...
 "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" Romans 5:8

And why do we love?

"We love because He first loved us." John 4:19

Just because I'm not psyched about the Day doesn't mean that I completely ignore it; we still do heart shaped activities with the color theme being red, the kids hand out Valentines, and we eat sweets. We celebrate, but try to keep our eyes on the bigger picture.... now if you do embrace the great day of love you are in my husbands camp, and he celebrates the day, loves the day, and looks forward to it every year.... So I say, to each his own!

Loft House cookies are our favorite! 
Rainboots, were the gift of choice.
Pretty much he licked his fingers bare for the icing and sprinkles!
Peanut made us heart-shaped pizza for dinner! YUM!

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