Friday, February 11, 2011

Annoying things when it snows......

Okay, so here is my rant... I really do love the snow, but as a mom, there are some major hang-ups... so for my sanity I thought I'd share my thoughts.

The FIVE most annoying things about snow....

1. the kitchen floors... why take the time for your regular cleaning schedule to mop and vacuum your floors? On snow days {when you've had NINE in a ROW}, it would seem purposeless to try and maintain any level of cleanliness when kids {and husband}, are tracking in dirty snow.

2. WALMART and other places that don't take car of their parking lots.... yesterday, after being at the doctor with a sick kid, we of course, had to go to Walmart to pick up a much needed prescription. Well, much to my dismay, when pulling into the parking lot, it looked like a 12-yr-old had plowed the parking lot... no joke! The snow piles took up the FRONT 25% of stalls from one end of the store to the other; they decided that dumping the snow in the shopping cart holder spaces would create more room. WRONG, it just created a massive shopping cart dilemma for those good patrons who were trying to return their cart into the designated area and didn't have a spot. And lastly, it didn't even appear as though they were shoveling the snow, because they had waited to long, it had been packed down and basically they were just trying to scrape off the top layer, thus leaving slushy, nasty, 2 inch deep grossness to walk through... yuck!

3. the car.... now, I'm not sure why, but is seems as though this time of year when getting out of the car any child under the age of five feels as though rubbing up against the dirty car, in their clean winter jacket, seems to be the most obvious thing to do while wandering their way into the house. We've had numerous conversations about how "we don't need to clean the car with our jackets, lets walk 'around' the car, not up next to it." But much to my dismay, the "neat color" it leaves on your coat sleeve {according to Peanut}, is just to much to pass up.

4. shopping carts in the snow..... shopping carts fall into the category of the old-school red razor sleds which were meant for packed deep snow.  And if you've ever used one of these old-school style sleds, when you sit on them, you are a little disappointed that the sled sinks to the ground, thus making it more of a hassle to use. Which is my point with a snowy parking lot and shopping cart, you get the same result. It would be better to try and carry your toddler, while holding your three-year-olds hand, and carry all your belongings, than push a shopping cart through a snow-covered lot!

5. the garage... I really enjoy having a clean garage. I know this may sound funny, but its one of the random things that my husband and I share some common ground on {regarding cleanliness}. He is what you would call a "city person" in the garage category. We like to park our cars inside, and we like the floors of our garage to be somewhat clean. Which is a tough thing, when you live in the country off dirt roads. So, when the snow comes, per my husbands request, before pulling into the garage, I get out of the car and knock excess snow out of the tire-wheels area. {Yes, I know, I'm a pretty great wife} Well, with the cold, cold weather we've had, there have been a few days, I have not fulfilled my snow-knocking off duty... thus resulting in nasty, pond like floors in our garage... sorry honey!

So, there you go. If I lived in a place where winter lasted much longer than it does here, we'd be in trouble!

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