Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The POST... the one I've dreaded most

Well, for a short while I've been meaning to write on this topic, but I've had to let the anxiety, fear and overwhelming thoughts dissipate, and allow the peace, that passes all understanding, rest on me. And lets be honest... once you blog about it... it makes it seem so much more real... which is what it is, reality! So here we go.

We're moving. Our family of soon-to-be-five will be going to Law School... well, at least the daddy will....

I could leave it at that; but instead, I'll give you the run-down and emotional roller-coaster I've been riding for the past four weeks {which is really great... I'm sure you're just thrilled to read-on}!

So, back in the early fall, when the leaves were changing, life was simple, content, and sweet. We had been enjoying our simple life of living at the ranch {}, playing at the sandpit, loving that our best friends lived just next door, Justin was loving where things were going with his job, we really felt as though we had hit a good stride and season in life as a family.

At the beginning of October Justin took the Law School Admittance Test {LSAT}, quite random, right? Well, Justin has always had a knack for lawyerly{not really a word} type stuff, he likes advising {not necessarily on legal things} but enjoys helping and sharing with others the process behind things. And has always dreamed of going to Law School. But really, already being 33 and almost father of three, felt as though the ship may have sailed, but why not, at least take the test, and see what happens. So after having an okay performance {85th percentile} his first time around, he decided on a whim, I'll just take it again in December, I think I can do a little better. And he did. Now, there are those moments in life, when you know as a wife you married a smart person, but then there are those times, that you're so overwhelmed by how well they do at something, you question yourself, and think, "I'm pretty sure I'm just as smart as they are... well, maybe not that smart, but I think we're intellectual equals" moment. Well, I had one of those... after he scored a 168 {95th percentile}, and I'll just brag for a moment on my husband... 42,000 people across the country took the LSAT that day, it is graded on a bell-curve, he beat 40,000 of those. Yes, very impressive, I know... {ladies he's taken!}

Anyway, to make a long story short, he was given a full-ride to one of the top ten public law schools in the country... so we're becoming Hoosier fans!

A few weekends ago, he and I headed to Bloomington, Indiana to check things out. It was overwhelming and peaceful all at the same time. We {I} have cried many tears about leaving my little sister {who lives close by} the ranch, our community, our church, all our sweet friends, but we know the Lord has said, YES, so we are walking ahead in faith.

Justin at the front of campus
I find myself resting on the truth that, "the Lord is my helper; I will not fear."  As a mom and soon to be law-school-wife {or law school widow... as many bloggers put it}, I recognize that there are many stressful things yet to come. There is the fact that we are moving somewhere where we know no one {well, we've met some people}, family is a mere 8 hrs by car or plane flight to Cali, all the comforts of knowing our neighbors, the schools, the grocery stores, moms-day-out programs, pediatricians, etc... you get the idea, all are being stripped away. And to top it off, my husband will be busy for at least 12 hours a day, 18-weeks at a time, to do well {which is very, very important}! But that leaves a lot of alone time for me with three little ones, so I say, "the Lord is my helper; I will not fear" .

Kirkwood Street, their coffee bar, night life area
So, for those of you who have made it thus far {which is probably only family... ;-} after the arrival of our newest one {May 1}, we'll head to Mexico for my brothers wedding, come back and move a few days later. Summer start for Justin begins on July 5th, so we hope to be settled towards the end of June with housing, the new babe, and all the other details in-between.

So in the end, I know that as a family, we make major life decisions around having children {when Peanut was born, we moved 12 days later to the Ranch}, and just as the Lord affirmed our decision to come here, He has gone before us, provided in abundance, and all we can do is walk ahead! And that is exactly what we're going to do.


  1. Wish you were moving to us. I know- it's selfish. but I can be selfish, right?....We love you guys. We are SO excited for you! We're praying for you and with you. Hooray for adventure!!!!

  2. So excited for you guys and will be praying for all your upcoming changes. You are one brave lady!

  3. We are so happy for you guys and so proud of
    How hard you all have sacrificed to get to this point.

    We are praying for you guys! Love you all!

  4. Wow Sarah! As one who has moved with husband halfway across the country to be in a place where no one knows my name, I feel for you. But you are so right that God is your helper, He is the God who daily bears our burdens, and gives us every good and perfect gift. You will be in my prayers over the next few months.

    I can't believe of all our little mom's group, now only Lauren will be left!

  5. I love my amazing wife. She always blesses me (however not always with exact facts). I actually scored in the 83rd percentile not the 85th. I then got a 167 not a 168. None of that matters though because she paid me the ultimate honors of calling me smarter than her and actually referring to me as Justin instead of "J-Man".

  6. you're lucky I don't remove your comment/fact correction;-)

  7. Wow! This is very cool. When you mentioned Bloomington all I could think about was Karen Kingsbury's series about the Baxter Family. You should read it if you haven't because it is set in Bloomington:)

    We will miss the funny OK stories (there are so many great ones!) but look forward to hearing about your adventures in Indy!

    We will definitely be praying for your transition!

  8. Excited for you guys & the new adventures ahead!

  9. So excited for you guys, but SO sad! :(
    You will definitely be in my prayers! I'm going to miss you this summer! :( Ya'll mean so much to me and I love you very very much!
    -Kaitlin Grant

  10. Hi Sarah!

    How I found your blog, I have no clue...probably facebook...maybe StumbleUpon...who knows...but yay!

    What an exciting adventure you have before you! It's no small you (we) have a Big God!

    This year I have been reading through Sarah Young's Jesus Calling. You might have read it...or are reading it...I haven't had time to linger through your previous posts...but today's devotion (March 30) is a sweet reminder of how He loves us!

    It begins: "I AM TAKING CARE OF YOU. Trust Me at all times. Trust Me in all circumstances. Trust Me with all your heart....Before you arise from your bed in the morning I have already arranged the events of your day. Every day provides many opportunities for you to learn My ways and grow closer to Me."

    You are right...He has gone before you...and He will provide in abundance! I love how He's the God of details: He has your grocery store chosen...your housing is waiting for you...He's chosen your neighbors...and the community in which you will grow and serve Him.

    It will be an honor and privilege to pray alongside you and your family in this new season in your lives!
