Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring is upon us!

The warm weather is here! Finally, after what seemed like it was going to be a never ending winter with the snow, snow and might I say, more snow, we're looking forward to the days ahead! We had cousins to play the past week {peonylane.blogspot} and it was fun! We enjoyed riding the golf cart around, playing in the sand pit, and getting really dirty!
All right in a row {Nboy4, Peanut3, Ggirl2, Big Guy1}

Nboy and Peanut enjoying donuts while the little ones nap!

What a funny 20-month-old!
Pierce's favorite phrases these days are "outside" , "gol car" better known as golf cart and "Han-Nah house" referring to our neighbors house whom he adores! This funny little guy loves tromping around the yard in his army boots {mainly climbing in and out of the ditch}, riding his truck and climbing the slide tower. He loves to chew dirt, leaves, or anything that might offer a different texture in the mouth. He is all boy and we love his manly little ways!

Both kids love the outdoors, we've discovered ant hills, which have provided hours of entertainment. You can catch them, poke them, destroy their home and they just keep going "crazy" as Blythe says. And thank goodness there is an endless supply of ant hills.

Blythe's favorite things these days are riding her trike, sidewalk chalk and playing with our neighbor! The day usually revolves around when she can go to Hannah's house and play {sometimes I catch both kids making their way over, without permission}. This happens usually when I'm not paying attention, which is easy to do when you live in the country, and don't have to worry about strangers... just wildlife!

The girls are building a birds nest, it took a while, but between the tears and sweat, they got it done!

We love the spring time here!

1 comment:

  1. So fun! I haven't heard about this bird's nest. I'm going to have to ask Hannah.
