Friday, April 1, 2011

Music Day Spring Performance

Well we had the privileged of seeing our children perform for the first time. It was simple, it was cute, and it almost made you want to cry.... actually, one of them did cry!

For the Kids Day Out program they are apart of each spring every class performs a few songs from the year, like I said before, super cute! But much to our dismay, we were the parents of the crier on stage.  Yes, the Big Guy is our crier. His sweet little tender heart and soft personality {this is changing... quickly with the approach of being 2}, he cries; when being dropped off anywhere. Big crocodile tears, rolling down his cheeks, and his most common phrase, "mommy, no. No bye, bye mommy," I can hear as I round the corner where ever he is being left {it kinda pulls at my heart}. Anyway, on this particular day, J-Man came to watch the kiddos, so like any proud parent we found ourselves in the front row waiting anxiously for the munchkins to arrive. Well, much to our dismay, Big Guys class was the first to arrive and walk directly in front of our seats, and he turned, as if looking for us, and saw his daddy. Needless to say, it was downhill from there.Tears, crying, the whole thing. In between the two songs sung, our little Big Guy is whaling, "Daddy" "my daddy"... yes, sad, so, so sad.
You can see this is where he spots J-man

And the tears just keep coming.....

Peanut did great. Although she seemed a little overwhelmed by the lights and audience, she did not cry, and smiled, and mostly participated in the actions. Needless to say, it was a stellar performance compared to Big Guys!
We were just glad she kept her skirt down;-)

Such a sweet three-year-old!

1 comment:

  1. My kid completely! He's so sensitive and cries if we look at him wrong. :)
