Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What we miss...

Since becoming situated in Bloomington we talk about things we miss. Unfortunately, there are to many to list. Everyday the kids ask when we are going back home, "to the ranch" are their exact words. When we first arrived, it was like a dagger digging deep in to my heart, and I'd wipe away tears and get the lump out of my throat before responding. You would think that after several weeks they would quit asking; however,  that is not the case, so I digress.

Here are some of the things we love {and miss}!

We miss the horses riding right in front of our yard. Now we settle for cars, dogs and a few people.

We miss the dining hall, because I'm actually having to cook, now we eat a lot of the same stuff over and over. We kick ourselves every time we go out to eat because the little people treat restaurants like the dining hall, where it is okay to stand on your chair, yell, chug pitchers of water and so on!

We miss our private pool. Now we must share with whomever decides to come out to the local pool. It's always great people watching, but we miss the calm of the Ranch.

We miss our Rara {Aunt Rachel}. We're excited she is coming to see us.

We miss this girl! I'm sure Rara could fit her in a suitcase to bring her for a visit!

More to come!


  1. Our skype visit was wonderful and awful all at the same time. We miss you guys a lot. I still look at your house and get sad. We'll talk more! The ranch misses you guys too!
