Sunday, September 18, 2011

And Nana came!

Since beginning Law School, Nana Dee has come to visit every six weeks! It makes the weeks more fun, bed time less stressful, and we eat out {we're on a student budget right now.... imagine that... with 3 kids}, so Granddad Ken sends Nana with instructions to eat at all the fun places... and that we do!

Pierce, our future pilot!
 We went to the Children's Museum in Indy, again, ridiculously cool! Here is the Egypt exhibit, the first time we've been in it since going. You take a simulated airplane ride and land, then when you "get off" you are inside a market place, you see the Nile River, ride in a taxi, its all quite amazing!
on the sphinx

driving Nana in the taxi

riding a crocodile

and then there's the race car

of course we needed some souvenirs
from the museum store,
and Pierce chose dinosaurs...
they are what he is into right now!

We went to a local winery {Oliver Winery}, it was amazing! They had a store where you could buy sandwich stuff, and then walk around on their manicured lawns with a lake! It was lots of fun, and it was the first time Pierce said, "mom, its like the Ranch" {this is where I teared up a little}. It indeed was  {of course minus the wine}. But this little boy played for hours wandering around the trails, throwing rocks in the lake, and feeding the fish!

this is what our pics look like now..
no one actually wants to look at the camera!

he is SOOO happy right now!

we ate a picnic on the dock!
fed the fish... they were huge!

Ran... A LOT!

admired the giant frog!

And bought a case of wine!

Okay, now I'm not a wine expert, but this winery makes their own Blackberry wine, and I don't think I have ever had anything like it! It was amazing! So, if your a wine person and have a few bucks to shell out I would recommend looking up and ordering a bottle. You WILL NOT be disappointed!

we went shopping...
rides were a reward for good shopping in the store!

Thank you Nana for a great week! We couldn't do many of the fun things with out you! Can't wait to see you again!

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