Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fun places, silly faces!

We took a lot of picnics this summer to nearby parks. It was lots of fun {and because we no longer live at the Ranch, we have no dining hall entertainment} therefore, we needed to come up with our own meal time gig, the park was sufficient!

this was the favored park, you can see why!

always fun to show off the food in your mouth!

this sweet girl spent a lot
of time observing from here!

We're in to silly faces these days... I guess that happens at about 3.5 years of age... it makes taking pictures very very hard and is just annoying FUN!

We also like to dress our self, which is a big help {and she gets to choose every other day}, so if you see us out and about and she is wearing eight different shades of pink from head to toe... just know it was HER and not me ;-)

I do permit costume wearing outside
the house, as long as they don't
 interfere with seat belts
{this one did not meet that standard}
 But it sure is cute!
{Thanks Grandma Heimer}

This guy also LOVES to laugh and make silly faces, most of his requests these days involve taking pictures of things... he poses or finds something he likes and he says, take a picture!

his scowl reminds me of his daddy!

we're giving him long hair... at least for a while!

this was his costume of choice,
he loves to attack everyone with the alligator head!

This sweet girl gives of lots of fun faces. Mostly all smiles these days!

this is her chubby cheeks picture!

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